

linux 5.2.17

Debian - Buster

Ubuntu - 18.04.3 LTS

The Kernel comes from The Linux Kernel Archives and has baked in rtl8812au wifi dongle support from Aircrack-ng. These are test builds and may be more or less stable than the builds running on the older kernel.

linux 4.4.189

OpenSUSE Tumbleweed - JeOS

CRUX - 3.5 / Handbook

Void - 190903 / Handbook | Wiki

Debian - Buster

Kernel Source (4.4.189)

login: roc
passwd: board

The Kernel comes from Ayufan and is using the Armbian patch set.

Known bugs:

Using the analog audio port will give you read/write errors and put you into read-only mode. This only happens on microSD cards, so I didn't enable the RK3328 CODEC in the kernel.

The USB3 port works, but accessing more than one drive at a time will sometimes cause the other to disconnect and crash the system. Best to only use one hard drive if going the NAS route.

Sources: W3Schools / Linux / Firmware / Armbian